Monday, May 10, 2010

Mission Trip to the Domican Republic

From JK Melton, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries:  Our youth continue to prepare for our mission trip to Haina, Dominican Republic, in June. Plane tickets are bought, funds are secured, and we've all taken our typhoid pills. We are excited to go and be with the people of Iglesia y Colegio San Marcos, and Episcopal Church and School, serving 325 parishioners and 750 students in a down and out industrial town just outside of Santo Domingo.

We had two meetings last week to discuss trip logistics. We started our meeting by writing down our hopes and dreams for the trip. Here is a sample of them:

- I hope to learn about the people in Haina and how they live.

- I hope to learn about another culture. We are so sheltered here!

- I hope it is fun and productive.

- I hope to use my Spanish.

- I hope for the adventure of a lifetime!

- I hope for a sense of connection to the broader world.

- I hope we are able to experience the culture. I want to hear music, dance, speak Spanish, and meet local people.

- I hope we eat some great food.

- I hope we have a look at just how privileged we are.

- I hope to have an experience that makes a good story. Then, I'll tell it!

- I hope to return as excited and proud as I was after the last mission trip.

- I hope that I can see how I can make a difference in the world.

- I am excited to learn more about the spiritual journeys of the folks going on our trip, and I'm eager to learn about those of the people in Haina.

I anticipate that we'll easily find these hopes and dreams fulfilled. We'll make new friends who live very different lives than we do, and in the process, we'll be able to grow in our understanding of just what Jesus meant when he told us to take care of all of those who are in need.

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